/ C++FUN

Special Treatment for Literal Zero


It is possible in C++ to make foo(0) and foo(1) call different functions. We used that to design an API where x < 0 calls an optimized check without branching.

Trigger warning: this post contains mild forms of C++ gore.

A Tale of 0 and 1

I recently stumbled upon the little fact that just because x < 1 compiles you cannot assume that x < 0 would as well (godbolt).

struct X { };
bool operator<(X, long);
bool operator<(X, void*);

X x;
x < 1; // fine
x < 0; // ambiguous overload

Let’s start simple. 0 and 1 are integer literals and without any suffix their type is good ol’ int. (Lack of a suffix alone is not a guarantee though.) ints can be promoted to longs which is why x < 1 happily calls the first overload. So far so good.

Back in the days (technical term for the period of time before C++11), there was no nullptr. People either used 0 or NULL (a fancy macro). The reason this worked was because there is a special rule that 0 can be converted to any pointer and yields the null pointer.

x < 0 is thus ambiguous because both overloads are valid and they are equally good (both are one conversion away).

An Idea Forms

This little curious gem led me to rethink a recent API design problem we faced.

We were writing a custom 256 bit integer type, basically a BigInteger but with a fixed representation using 4 uint64_ts internally. This was performance sensitive code and we wanted everything to be maximally efficient.

Our i256 type uses two’s complement and the check x < 0 can be done by simply testing if the highest bit is set. However, x < 1 or x < y was a bit more expensive because you basically have to test x - y < 0.

In our initial design we opted for a is_below_zero(i256) function that performs the optimized test and operator<(i256, i256) that does the generic test. Unfortunately, people tend to write x < 0 and I can’t blame them because it’s more readable and more concise than is_below_zero(x).

Looping back to our initial observation: If it is possible to generate a compile error for x < 0 but not for x < 1 then maybe it is also possible to redirect x < 0 to a different function.

What if we could automatically (and statically) use is_below_zero(x) whenever operator< is called with a literal 0 and otherwise fall back to the generic code without using a runtime branch?

The Initial Design

Usually, whenever we want to check if something would compile without actually introducing a compile error, we reach for SFINAE. The idea would be to disable operator<(long) for 0. In our case, this doesn’t work because SFINAE usually deals in types where 0 and 1 are not distinguishable anymore.

However, we don’t actually need to disable operator<(long), we just need to break the ambiguity. If there were a way to make operator<(long) a worse candidate than operator<(void*) (for 0) then this meets our requirements.

Lo and behold, there is a way!

User conversions are famously known for being “weaker” than standard conversions.

struct not_literal_zero { not_literal_zero(int); };
using literal_zero = void*;

struct X { };
bool operator<(X, not_literal_zero); // (1)
bool operator<(X, literal_zero);     // (2)

X x;
x < 1; // calls (1)
x < 0; // calls (2)

1 cannot be converted to void* but has an implicit conversion to not_literal_zero. 0 can be converted to both but void* is a standard conversion while not_literal_zero a user-provided one, making (2) the unambiguous call target (godbolt).

Banishing Footguns

Are we done yet?

Well… yes, and no.

We achieved our initial goal of making x < 0 call our optimized version while x < 1 and x < y call the generic version. APIs should not be needlessly surprising but we’re good law-abiding citizen: Both versions are semantically equivalent for x < 0. The call is statically resolved, thus no performance overhead in any case and a performance win for the common x < 0 test.

However, we introduced a few unnecessary footguns:

  1. x < nullptr compiles
  2. x < &x compiles
  3. x < "y tho?" almost compiles

The third case would compile if we use void const* instead of void*, something we might be tempted to do due to const-correctness.

Let’s fix the first case. This is actually pretty simple because nullptr has a special type std::nullptr_t. We cannot add an overload with std::nullptr_t as that would make x < 0 ambiguous again. However, we can disable it with SFINAE:

#include <type_traits>

template<class T, 
         class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, std::nullptr_t>>>
bool operator<(X, T) = delete;

For x < 0, T will be int and this overload is disabled via std::enable_if. For x < nullptr, T is deduced to be std::nullptr_t and the overload is valid. It requires no additional conversion and thus matches better than our void* overload. The compile error is not ideal (use of deleted function 'operator<') and could be improved with a static_assert if desired.

The final issue is that x < &x compiles. The reason is that many pointer types can be converted to void*, which is a pretty general type. While we cannot fix all corner cases, we can make it incredibly hard to accidentally trigger it.

First, we change void* into a pointer-to-data-member, let’s say X* X::* (a pointer to a member of X that is itself a pointer to X). 0 can still initialize this pointer, but the only other way would be &X::m (where m is an actual member of X of type X*) or via explicit casts.

If you really don’t want to take any chances, you can also reach for a Voldemort Type:

auto hidden_ptr_to_member()
    struct H { };
    H* H::* p = nullptr;
    return p;

using literal_zero = decltype(hidden_ptr_to_member());

bool operator<(X, literal_zero);

Outside of hidden_ptr_to_member there is no syntax to name the inner struct H, thus making it a type-that-cannot-be-named. The only way to actually refer to it is by using decltype(...). Apart from the inability to name it, it is just a pointer-to-data-member and thus suitable for our x < 0 overload.

For a final touch and maybe as an appeal to our inner humanity, we move hidden_ptr_to_member to namespace impl. impl:: and detail:: namespaces are basically C++ bro code for “I have to expose this because of C++ rules but if you actively use anything inside it, you’re on your own”.


And with that, we have our final version:

#include <type_traits>

namespace impl
auto hidden_ptr_to_member()
    struct H { };
    H* H::* p = nullptr;
    return p;

struct not_literal_zero { not_literal_zero(int); };
using literal_zero = decltype(impl::hidden_ptr_to_member());

struct X { };
bool operator<(X, not_literal_zero); // (1)
bool operator<(X, literal_zero);     // (2)

template<class forbid_nullptr, 
         class = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<forbid_nullptr, std::nullptr_t>>>
bool operator<(X, forbid_nullptr) = delete; // (3)

X x;
x < 1;       // calls (1)
x < 0;       // calls (2)
x < nullptr; // calls (3) which is deleted
x < &x;      // no matching call

x < 0 and x < 1 call different functions and we can safely optimize the x < 0 case. With creative use of some slightly more arcane C++ rules we were able to remove a few pitfalls (like being able to call x < y with nullptr or various other pointer types).

I probably have to say that I consider this thing more in the category of “fun with C++” than “production-ready code”, so please use your own judgement before adopting it. A possible middle ground could be

[[deprecated("use is_below_zero(X) instead")]]
bool operator<(X, literal_zero);

(Title image from unsplash)