Moves in Returns

Today we’ll discuss code of the form:

T work(/* ... */)
    /* ... */
    return x;

This is a classical “return-by-value” and (wrongfully) associated with copies and overhead.

In many cases, this will actually move the result instead of copying it. For modern C++, one could even argue that this will move in most cases (or, as we will see, completely elide the copy and directly construct in the result memory).

This post discusses several common patterns and if they are moved, copies, or elided.

Side note: technically a move is a type of copy. For example, T x = <expr> performs a copy initialization, which might select the move constructor during overload resolution. The rest of this post will use the colloquial “move” for “calls move ctor or assignment” and “copy” for “calls copy ctor or assignment”.

Tracking Construction and Assignment

Reading the C++ standard (or cppreference) to reason about your code is valuable, but given the flood of information, it can be difficult to draw the correct inferences. Thus, in addition to this theoretical understanding, I love to validate my findings on godbolt.

The following examples always use a type T, defined as:

struct T
    T();                    // ctor
    ~T();                   // dtor
    T(T&&);                 // move ctor
    T(T const&);            // copy ctor
    T& operator=(T&&);      // move assignment
    T& operator=(T const&); // copy assignment

These functions are not implemented on purpose, so we will see the corresponding calls in the assembly. Furthermore, I’ll mark the work functions as __attribute__((noinline)) so that we can see which special function calls belong where (caller or callee).

Constructing Objects in Return

T work()
    return T();

void use()
    auto obj = work();

Since C++17, this invokes mandatory copy elision. No copy or move constructor is called, even if they have side effects.


  call T::T() [complete object constructor]
  call work()
  call T::~T() [complete object destructor]

T is constructed in work in a memory location that is provided by the caller use. At the end of use, T is destructed. No temporary copies are created, nothing is moved.

This “chains” in the sense that it also applies to return other_work(); where other_work also returns a T by value.

With return T();, work will always call exactly one constructor and nothing else from T. However, use is only this simple because we initialize obj with the result of work(). If we assign it to an existing object, we get a temporary:

T work()
    return T();

void use(T& obj)
    obj = work();


  call T::T() [complete object constructor]
  call work()
  call T::operator=(T&&)
  call T::~T() [complete object destructor]

work constructs a T for which use provides the stack space. This temporary T is then moved into obj using T::operator=(T&&). Finally, the temporary T is destroyed.

Before C++17, this type of optimization was allowed, but optional. In particular, if your object is neither copyable nor movable, you could run into compile errors depending on if this optimization was applied or not (e.g. debug vs. release).

Note: In C++17, this direct creation of the result in space provided by the caller has the fancy name “unmaterialized value passing”.

Returning a Local Variable

T work()
    T obj;
    // ...
    return obj;

void use()
    auto obj = work();

Interestingly enough, this results in the same assembly as our previous case:

  call T::T() [complete object constructor]
  call work()
  call T::~T() [complete object destructor]

No temporary object is created, nothing is moved or copied. However, this form of copy elision is not mandatory. This is also known as “named return value optimization” or NRVO. Note that in this case, in contrast to the previous case, T must be copyable or movable, even if the actual copy or move constructor is not called in the end.

It gets more interesting if we have other ways out of the function:

T work()
    if (some_condition())
        return T();

    T obj;
    return obj;


  call some_condition()
    call T::T() [complete object constructor]
    call T::T() [complete object constructor]
    call T::T(T&&) [complete object constructor]
    call T::~T() [complete object destructor]

If the condition is true, we construct the result directly as before. However, the second case now creates a temporary T. This temporary is then move-constructed into the return value. Afterwards, the temporary is destructed.

No copy elision was performed for obj (though I am not 100% sure why. It should be allowed and possible here.) Still, the result is a move, not a copy. This is a feature of the return statement: Since C++11, return x (or return (x) or return ((x)) for that matter) will try to use the move constructor if x is a local variable or a function parameter.

Note: the actual rule has a few nuances, but this is a good first-order approximation.

Moving from a Local Variable

You might have seen the following:

T work()
    T obj;
    return std::move(obj);

Many compilers, IDEs, and linters warn about this. GCC might say “moving a local object in a return statement prevents copy elision”. And indeed, the assembly is now:

  call T::T() [complete object constructor]
  call T::T(T&&) [complete object constructor]
  call T::~T() [complete object destructor]

A temporary that is move-constructed into the return value. Without the std::move, we had no move construction at all.

Returning a Function Parameter

Local variables and function parameters have slightly different behavior.

T work(T obj)
    return obj;

void use()
    auto obj = work(T());

When obj was a local variable, we had the freedom to change where it is allocated. If all paths through the function end in return obj, the compiler could use the caller-provided space for the return value, thus eliding any move into the result.

However, function parameters are already allocated by the caller and distinct from the return value. Luckily, the rules for return statements still apply and we get a move in the assembly:

  call T::T(T&&) [complete object constructor]
  call T::T() [complete object constructor]
  call work(T)
  call T::~T() [complete object destructor]
  call T::~T() [complete object destructor]

Even passed-by-value, no T is copied in this whole example. The caller (use) creates a T where work will expect it. work itself only move-constructs T in the return value. use then destructs the argument T (“at the end of the statement”), followed by destruction of the result of work (“at the end of the scope”).

Non-Matching Types

Copy elision only works if the result type matches what we want to return. This might not always be the case. Something I find myself writing with decent frequency:

std::optional<T> work()
    if (some_condition())
        return std::nullopt;

    return T();

And the obvious question is if the second return copies or moves the T into the optional<T>.

More general, let’s say we have a second type U and T has implicit conversions:

struct T
    T(U&&) noexcept;      // "move-convert"
    T(U const&) noexcept; // "copy-convert"

Now we can ask the question what the following code will call:

T work()
    return U();


T work()
    U obj;
    return obj;

Both result in the same assembly:

  call U::U() [complete object constructor]
  call T::T(U&&) [complete object constructor]
  call U::~U() [complete object destructor]

A temporary U is created, move-“converted” into the result T, and then destructed. No copy involved.

Fun fact: in “vanilla” C++11, this created a copy. The behavior was fixed in C++14 and back-ported via defect report. Thus, most compiler with C++14 support will emit the move, even if you explicitly compile for C++11. However, pre-C++14 compiler might emit the copy.

Where Copy??

It delights me to see so many cases where the default (without any std::move involved) will result in either move construction or even complete elision of copy or move.

So, when will return-by-value actually copy? A small collection of patterns to look out for:

T work()
    struct { T t; } v;
    return v.t; // COPY! returning a member

T work()
    static T globalT;
    return globalT; // COPY! not a local var

T work(T& obj)
    return obj; // COPY! T& matches T const&, not T&& 

T work(T const& obj)
    return obj; // COPY!

T work(T&& obj)
    return obj; // COPY! "inside" work, obj is an lvalue
                // NOTE: careful with lifetimes here
                // NOTE: is a move in C++20

T work(T const obj)
    return obj; // COPY! T const cannot be moved
                // NOTE: const is ignored for the signature,
                //       which is work(T) and not work(T const)
                //       but has "effect" inside the function

Maybe unexpectedly, the following is elided:

T work()
    T const obj;
    return obj; // no copy or move involved

Because while we cannot move T const, we can still allocate it directly “in” the return value. Still, this is a bit brittle, as a slightly more complex function will create a copy:

T work()
    if (some_condition())
        return T();

    T const obj;
    return obj; // now it's a copy

T work()
    T const obj;
    return std::move(obj); // also a copy
                           // T const&& matches T const&, not T&&


We saw many examples where modern C++ now naturally creates moves instead of copies or even elides them altogether and directly constructs the return value “in the proper location”. As the last section showed, you still have to look out for references or non-local variables. This is probably a good thing, because those tend to have multiple aliases, which might take offense if their data suddenly moved away.

Most of the explanations in this post are somewhat simplified to make them palatable. In particular, exceptions and volatile variables can complicate the situation a lot. Also, keep in mind that inside a lambda, captures are not considered local variables.

The assembly shown in the examples can be considered a kind of worst case scenario, as the compiler has no access to the special member functions of T. When these functions are visible, they can often be inlined and further optimized.

(Title image from unsplash)