/ C++

std::sort multiple ranges

std::sort is a great utility. You can easily sort subranges and provide custom comparison functions. However, it struggles with the following scenario:

std::vector<int> keys = ...;
std::vector<std::string> values = ...;

std::sort(...); // ???

We want to sort by keys but keep the 1-on-1 correspondence with values, i.e. keep the ranges “in sync” during sorting. A common solution is to allocate a vector of indices, sort these indices, and then apply the resulting permutation. However, the need for an additional allocation and bad cache locality due to indirection make this a suboptimal solution.

In this post, we will design a custom iterator that allows us to sort the two ranges directly without allocation overhead. The final usage will be:

std::sort(sort_it{          0, keys.data(), values.data()},
          sort_it{keys.size(), keys.data(), values.data()});

For clarity of exposition, we will assume int keys, string values, and contiguous ranges for this post. Making the technique generic, variadic, and support all random access iterators is left as an exercise for the reader (or an additional blog post).

The Index Solution

Before we start, let’s take a quick look at the mentioned index-based solution:

// make indices = {0, 1, 2, ...}
auto indices = std::vector<int>(keys.size());
std::iota(indices.begin(), indices.end(), 0);

// sort indices while comparing keys
std::sort(indices.begin(), indices.end(), [&keys](int a, int b) {
    return keys[a] < keys[b];

// apply permutation
auto old_keys = keys; // copy
auto old_values = values; // copy
for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) 
    keys[i] = old_keys[indices[i]];
    values[i] = old_values[indices[i]];

The first allocation is needed for the temporary indices vector. Slightly more non-obvious is the need for copies of keys and values before applying the permutation. A simple keys[i] = keys[indices[i]]; would yield the wrong result (imagine what happens if keys[indices[i]] was already overwritten in a previous loop iteration).

There are ways to avoid the key/value copies but they are quite a bit more involved. Permutations can be decomposed into disjoint cycles and then applied via a cycling swap for each cycle. Alternatively, permutations can also be decomposed into a series of transpositions, i.e. a sequence of std::swap(keys[i], keys[j]).

A Custom Iterator

Ok, let’s design a non-allocating “multi-sort” solution.

std::sort accepts any random access iterator (technically, the iterator must satisfy the LegacyRandomAccessIterator and ValueSwappable concepts). Thus, we should be able to write an iterator that basically “bundles” iterators into keys and values, compares keys, and swaps both, thus keeping the ranges in sync.

struct sort_it
    size_t index;
    int* keys;
    std::string* values;

The idea is that the iterator only updates index and keeps the pointers to keys and values unchanged. Iterators need to provide a certain set of operations, LegacyRandomAccessIterator a whole zoo of them.

First, we define some types in our sort_it:

using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = int64_t;
using value_type = ???;
using pointer = value_type*;
using reference = ???;

The Reference and Value Problem

Usually, value_type is some type T and we would choose reference to be T&. However, in our case, this doesn’t work. value_type would be something like pair<int, string>. But reference cannot be pair<int, string>&, as we have two separate arrays, not a single array of pairs. Thus, we have to roll our own, separate types for them. Let’s call these val and ref:

struct val
    int key;
    std::string value;

struct ref
    int* key;
    std::string* value;

struct sort_it 
    using value_type = val;
    using reference = ref;

std::sort uses more than one sorting algorithm in most implementations. Usually, we see some O(n log n) algorithm (e.g. quicksort) for large ranges and an O(n^2) algorithm (like insertion sort) for small ranges, as they tend to be faster for small n in practice. Some of these use swap, some do not. When reading the gcc implementation, I found that we need to support the following uses:

// case A:
std::iter_swap(it_a, it_b);
// ... which calls:
swap(*it_a, *it_b);

// case B:
value_type v = std::move(*it);
*it = std::move(*other_it);
*other_it = std::move(v);

Our iterator returns ref via sort_it::operator*(). This is used directly in swap, so we need to provide a swap(ref, ref). Note that ref is passed by value and cannot be ref& as *it is not an lvalue. The desired semantic is, of course, to swap where ref points to, not the pointers in ref themselves. We provide swap via (hidden) friend in ref:

struct ref

    friend void swap(ref a, ref b)
        using std::swap;
        swap(*a.key, *b.key);
        swap(*a.value, *b.value);

That solves case A.

Case B needs a bit more attention.

First, we have value_type v = std::move(*it);, where val has to be implicitly constructible from ref&&. The intention is to move a value temporarily out of the range and later “return” it via *other_it = std::move(v);. This implicit conversion can be simply provided by a user-defined conversion operator:

struct ref

    operator val() && { return {std::move(*key), std::move(*value)}; }

Note the && at the end of the signature. This is a ref-qualified member function and basically means that the ref to val conversion is only allowed for rvalue ref&&s. Thus, we can safely move key and value into our val and no std::string was copied in the process.

Alternatively, we could have added a val(ref&&) constructor to val.

The “inverse” operator of ref&& to val is done at *other_it = std::move(v);. This is a simple assignment operator, accepting val&&:

struct ref

    ref& operator=(val&& v)
        *key = std::move(v.key);
        *value = std::move(v.value);
        return *this;

There is one, slightly weird assignment left: *it = std::move(*other_it);. Here, we assign ref&& to ref and the semantics is to move what *other_it points to into what *it points to. Implementation-wise, this is another simple assignment:

struct ref

    ref& operator=(ref&& r)
        *key = std::move(*r.key);
        *value = std::move(*r.value);
        return *this;

And with this, we have finally modelled the “reference semantics” of ref and proper interactions with val.

Remaining Operators

There are two classes of operators missing.

First, we want properly defined default comparison, i.e. by default, std::sort should sort by operator< of our keys. Unfortunately, almost all combinations are ref and val are actually used. We have *it_a < *it_b, v < *it, and *it < v. The only missing combination is val < val. Our implicit conversion from ref&& to val is moving values, which we obviously don’t want for a comparison. Thus, we simply define all needed combinations:

bool operator<(ref const& a, val const& b)
    return *a.key < b.key;

bool operator<(val const& a, ref const& b)
    return a.key < *b.key;

bool operator<(ref const& a, ref const& b)
    return *a.key < *b.key;

Secondly, we need the previously mentioned zoo of random access iterator operators. The only slightly interesting one in our case is operator* for producing ref:

struct sort_it

    ref operator*() { return {keys + index, values + index}; }

All the others are the typical ==, !=, +, -, ++, --, <, etc. that you’d expect of a random access iterator. I was too lazy to implement all of them and only did what I needed for std::sort on gcc:

struct sort_it

    bool operator==(sort_it const& r) const { return index == r.index; }
    bool operator!=(sort_it const& r) const { return index != r.index; }

    sort_it operator+(difference_type i) const { return {index + i, keys, values}; }
    sort_it operator-(difference_type i) const { return {index - i, keys, values}; }

    difference_type operator-(sort_it const& r) const 
        return difference_type(index) - difference_type(r.index); 

    sort_it& operator++()
        return *this;
    sort_it& operator--()
        return *this;

    bool operator<(sort_it const& r) const { return index < r.index; }

In C++20, we would need to implement all operators as the associated concept would be checked. Of course, in a production-grade implementation, we would also implement them all.

And with this, we’re done.

Now, the example in the introduction works:

std::vector<int> keys = ...;
std::vector<std::string> values = ...;

std::sort(sort_it{          0, keys.data(), values.data()},
          sort_it{keys.size(), keys.data(), values.data()});

Final Version

A fully working example can be found here on godbolt. I’ve added a main function, so be sure to check the output.

Our custom iterator, value, and reference type is below 100 LOC, so it’s almost a compact solution!

struct val
    int key;
    std::string value;

struct ref
    int* key;
    std::string* value;

    ref& operator=(ref&& r)
        *key = std::move(*r.key);
        *value = std::move(*r.value);
        return *this;

    ref& operator=(val&& r)
        *key = std::move(r.key);
        *value = std::move(r.value);
        return *this;

    friend void swap(ref a, ref b)
        std::swap(*a.key, *b.key);
        std::swap(*a.value, *b.value);

    operator val() && { return {std::move(*key), std::move(*value)}; }

bool operator<(ref const& a, val const& b)
    return *a.key < b.key;

bool operator<(val const& a, ref const& b)
    return a.key < *b.key;

bool operator<(ref const& a, ref const& b)
    return *a.key < *b.key;

struct sort_it
    using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
    using difference_type = int64_t;
    using value_type = val;
    using pointer = value_type*;
    using reference = ref;

    size_t index;
    int* keys;
    std::string* values;

    bool operator==(sort_it const& r) const { return index == r.index; }
    bool operator!=(sort_it const& r) const { return index != r.index; }

    sort_it operator+(difference_type i) const { return {index + i, keys, values}; }
    sort_it operator-(difference_type i) const { return {index - i, keys, values}; }
    difference_type operator-(sort_it const& r) const 
        return difference_type(index) - difference_type(r.index); 
    sort_it& operator++()
        return *this;
    sort_it& operator--()
        return *this;

    bool operator<(sort_it const& r) const { return index < r.index; }

    ref operator*() { return {keys + index, values + index}; }


We set out to write a custom iterator that is able to sort two ranges in parallel, treating one as the “key” and the other as “value” that has to be kept in sync. swap alone was not sufficient to get the correct behavior, as some parts of the std::sort implementation operate on value_type and reference directly. Thus, we created custom ref and val structs and implemented all required operators to model the proper semantics. Note that we could not use val& as the reference type because our ranges are independent and do not store elements of type val.

The result is a custom random access iterator sort_it that keeps the two ranges in sync, as can be seen in this example on godbolt.

For a production-grade implementation, there are a few additional concerns:

  • all required operators for the random access iterator should be implemented
  • sort_it, ref, and val should be templated on key and value type
  • sort_it and ref should not use pointers, but other random access iterators
  • the whole system could be made variadic and support arbitrary many value ranges

(Title image from pixabay)